If you visit Oslo, Norway, don't miss out on Just Delightful Postcards.

Just Delightful Postcards, or Bærre Lækkert Postkort in Norwegian, is a famous postcard store with a huge selection of old postcards from all over the world and with all kinds of themes. Especially we have a large collection of postcards from different places in Norway. Totally, we have about 750 000 postcards available for sale.

But we also have other things, like coins, stamps, movie postcards, historical documents, for instance from the war, mm.

Come and visit one of the most unique stores in Oslo.

Address: Bærre Lækkert, Storgata 36, 0189 Oslo, Norway

Opening hours: Tuesday - Friday : 11 - 17, and Saturday: 10.30 - 15.
Monday and Sunday closed.

E-mail: post@berrelekkert.no

Telephone: 47 22 17 38 17


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Bærre Lækkert Postkort